This focus on the moment, on life and experiences, keeps me from regretting the past, fearing the future, and obsessing on what others think about me, and my level of production. It even works better when applied to being present with someone. Really listening to their heart not their words. Not projecting what we think they are thinking. Not guessing how they feel about us. Not pretending we are mind reader's. Not feeling compelled to push our will on their experience. Letting somebody express their reality and agency, and not feeling the urgency to control or conform it. The only difficulty I had found with such mindful living, was how to incorporate goals for the future, or eternal perspective, and the Plan of Happiness into this train of thought. If I am living in the moment, does that mean I'm not planning for eternity? It reminds me of the words "Eat, drink and be merry , for tomorrow we shall die." That is not exactly the kind of living in the moment I am referring to. Mindfulness is just about letting go of fear. Focusing on the gratefulness of who, what, and where we are in life. It's about loving your fellowman right now in this moment with full attention, not with thoughts wandering off, or planning a response.
My hubby once told me he loved his dear Aunt Lettie, when she talked to you, she made you feel like the only person that existed in the whole world. She intently listened and acknowledged his thoughts and asked sincere, prodding questions. He felt so loved by her. I also remember a story he told me once about a seminar he attended, where they went around the room and introduced themselves. Then they would take turns walking around the circle meeting everyone. If they could not remember their name, they would have to say, "I'm sorry I did not care enough about you to remember your name." Wow! Powerful lesson. You would have to ask yourself, why did I remember one person's name over another? Why did I care to remember one and not another. Why was I attentive to one over another? Where was my mind wandering when they introduced themselves? Was I present, or somewhere else? Of coarse nobody could have remembered all the names. It just demonstrates that when we meet people we need to be mindful, fully aware, treating them like they are the only person who exists at that moment. That to me, is loving my fellowman. I by no means have acquired this skill...It's my aspiration to. There is no greater way to prepare for eternity, live our goals, and partake of the Plan of Happiness, then to learn that the focus of each moment, done in mindfulness, love, attention, and gratefulness, will take you billions of years into light.... rather than ruminating over being perfect, or worrying about failing all the time. You are a divine being with a divine purpose. You weren't designed nor created to fail. You were sent here to discover this whole journey, this whole becoming, is really just a path back home to your divine destiny. The mystery of having Joy in this life is to not to fight the opposition in all things, which is necessary for you to learn the difference between the good and the evil. Remember, this is how our Father learned. What we can do is accept the will of the Creator, and discover you are exactly where you need to be, to learn the lessons you came to learn. The answer then, is a resounding "Yes!" You can live in the moment, be mindful, let go of anxiety and worry, and still be partaking of The Plan of Happiness, walking your road into the Eternity's.
Life Coach
Tiffany King