
5 Powerful Tools To Jump-Start Your Joy !

I have always been a seeker of finding something enthralling out of life. It started as a child when I would make delicate, homemade trinkets, and sentimental tokens of a undying love, that I would leave on my mothers pillow. I was a child looking for love in a a very broken environment. I was quite a survivor. I owe it to not letting my hope die when things looked  bleak. Now my challenging childhood journey has become a catalyst for some of my splendid, unearthly work. What saved me were powerful tools I found that turned my existence from surviving into living. Some of those tools served me well, others I had to let go as childhood things when I became an adult. The ones worth holding on to, are the ones I want to share with you.I have been mesmerized by a few new tools I have discovered, that not only make Joy possible, but inevitable. Let's get started! No sense in putting off happiness any longer. I am going to share five powerful tools to jump-start your joy!I am going to start with the fastest way to spark Joy instantly!

1. Lift The Hands That Hang Down

Hebrews 12:12 


True love requires action. We can speak of love all day long—we can write poems that proclaim it, sing songs that praise it, and preach sermons that encourage it—but until we manifest that love in action, our words are nothing but “sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”
Christ did not just speak about love; He showed it each day of His life. He did not remove Himself from the crowd. Being amidst the people, Jesus reached out to the one. He rescued the lost.When the Savior stretches out His hands, those He touches are uplifted and become greater, stronger, and better people as a result. If we are His hands, should we not do the same? 1 

What I have discovered is the most instant way to have peace envelope me and Joy captivate my heart is to find somebody in true need, and offer my love and support. Random acts of kindness is an alluring way to start.I remember my feelings of Joy when I sent a delicate, supportive note to somebody who fights the grey storm of blackest depression.I recollect the calmness like a stream rippling down a hill when I just take time to deliver a compassion basket to someone grieving. I won't forget the sense of transcendent peace I feel when I help clean someones home who is having a rough time. Moments like when I have sat and held someone who is in the bitterness of thunderous turmoil and pain will stay with me forever. A smile can brighten anyone's day. You may start small, but start today, because this is a real Joy infuser!

2. The Happiness Jar

Psalms 37:4 

I started this around the end of the year in 2016. It has served me really well already. It is really quite simple, and a no hassle way to JOY. It’s basically like a gratitude list in a Jar. Every time something your grateful for happens, or something encourages your happy factor, you write it down and put it in the jar. Then on New Years empty them out, and see what a Joyful year you had! Or anytime you need a lift. We often remember the negative things that happen in our lives. Now there is a way to focus on the Joy's!

3.Offer Forgiveness You Have Been Denying

Ephesians 4:31

It's time to have a resentment dump- open your journal and write down people and situations that have hurt you. Don't forget to put yourself on the list.This is not a demure exercise.You will be brutally honest. Then make a conscious effort to work on letting go of bitterness and anger.Your aim is not to brood. I have found if I pray and ask God to help me see the individual as He sees them, even in their weaknesses, my heart softens. Sometimes I have to pray to ask God to help me forgive.Just the desire to forgive is a very good start. The reminder here is that forgiveness is for you, not necessarily for the one who offended you. You are allowing Christ to carry the burden so you don't have to.Some atrocious things in life seem unforgivable, but releasing them to the One who can carry the burden for us, will bring us great lagniappe of peace and Joy.The hurts of my childhood and then other scaring events in my life held me prisoner too long.I am too tired to carry this load. I want to have Joy, and I am willing to forgive myself and others to let that light shine rapturously in.

4. Letting Go Of Fear

Psalm 56

One of the most satisfying ways I have found to respond to my fears and  difficulties is to put my faith in God and Trust Him. That includes support behaviors like praying and reading scriptures on the subject of conquering ineffable fear.The Lord provided a ripple of scriptures, one spreading like waves into many others. There are enough scriptures to support a fearful person every single day of the year. It's time to say No More Fear!In the story of Psalm 56. David has been seized by the Philistines and he starts to become afraid, but instead he sets his vision on his Lord and Savior in his midst. He praises God and his word to him:
 “Fear not!” He puts his trust in the Lord…
 "When I am afraid,
  I will trust in you.
  In God, whose word I praise,
  In God I trust; I will not be afraid.
  What can mortal man do to me?"

 What fear is trying to take a hold of you right now? What threat or trouble are you facing?
Watch and pray with David, “When I am afraid of _________, I will trust in you, O Lord.”
In my upcoming blog posts I will show you how to use Scripture, prayers, and your heart like this, to overcome anxiety and fear. Let me help you walk through your fears and into the loving arms of Christ. You can learn to live with peace and power! You can learn to experience Joy!

5. Progress Not Perfection

Philippians 4:13

We all know the scripture that states Matthew 5:48 "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." This can seem a monumental task. We can get so caught up and hung up on these words that, we loose sight of the journey, lessons, and progress we have made. Being a perfectionist has proven time and time again to be destructive and even detrimental when it cripples progression or motivation. We can get so stuck wanting to do things perfect, or wanting to appear perfect, that we forget how to be perfectly human, perfectly real, perfectly weak. God gave us our weakness so we would turn to him and not boast of our own strength. He gave us weaknesses as challenges to make us stronger. The most perfect one can be, is when one is honest about how weak we really are. Once we admit defeat, once we accept Gods help, we become perfect in our unity with Him. So stop wearing guilt like a scarlet letter, let go of beating yourself up. It's time to lean on a Higher Power. You aren't in this game of life left to your own weak devices. You can actually do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Set goals; check them off, see the progression, but I forbid you to beat yourself up for what you lack. You have a Savior, use His atonement to lift you, and I can promise you will be filled with exhilarating Joy. 

      Love, Light,& Joy,                                       

  The Joyful Life
  Life Coach 
   Tiffany King